Organized August 19, 1949, at Yorktown, Virginia and incorporated April 23, 1973 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Yorktown Day Association’s objective is to sponsor appropriate ceremonies each year on Yorktown Day, October 19, and other appropriate occasions, to commemorate the surrender of the British Forces under General Lord Cornwallis to the Allied Forces under the command of General George Washington. (extracted from the Yorktown Day Association Constitution and Bylaws)

Membership consists of the following organizations and named representatives:

Colonial National Historical Park (non-voting) Rachele Funk COLO_YorktownDay@nps.gov
Comte De Grasse Chapter,  Daughters of the American Revolution Susan Dewing susan.dewing@gmail.com
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation Homer Lanier homer.lanier@jyf.virginia.gov
National Society Daughters of American Colonists Barbara Rooney abby1234rudi@aol.com
National Society Daughters of  Founders & Patriots of America Maureen Holbert holberttm@gmail.com
The American Friends of Lafayette Lea Gryk leag4689@gmail.com
The National Society Children of the American Revolution Suzanne Reynolds reynoldssuzannes@gmail.com
The Society of Cincinnati – State of Virginia James Rawles oldhousedoc@cox.net
The Society of the Sons of the Revolution in Virginia Mark Jakobowski mmjakobowski@gmail.com
The Yorktown Foundation Edith Robertson erobertson1781@cox.net
Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution Gary Hodges gary.hodges1@verizon.net
York County Board of Supervisors Chad Green chad.Green@yorkcounty.gov
York County Historical Museum Bonnie Karwac bonnieLK@yahoo.com
Yorktown Preservation Society Rosalie Mitchell rosie@ywcva.com